Thursday, November 15, 2012

Care tips partition gypsum ceiling

Gypsum Partitions are used ranging from simple houses to mansions. In addition, gypsum ceiling partitions can make homes more beautiful. Rates gypsum (gypsum) was relatively competitive when compared with other types of materials with the same function. The advantages of gypsum is also more flexible to be formed in accordance with the wishes of the designer, in addition to durability and high level of stability. Use ceiling gypsum partitions (gypsum) is perfect for the look of the beginning of the interior of the building. No wonder that the partition ceiling gypsum (gypsum) are increasingly in demand. But the material as a base for gypsum ceiling has the disadvantage of not resistant to water. And if there is seepage of water from the roof of the partition gypsum ceiling, gypsum surface there will be patches of seepage water and dirty marks.
But it is tidakkan a problem. How often cut the ceiling gypsum partitions affected / no water stains and then patched with putty compound to the surface and flat gypsum partition then wipe all parts repaired gypsum partitions of dust using a wet sponge that has been squeezed out and let it dry to less than 24 hours. Perform sanding until the surface is smooth and clean gypsum partitions back of the dust to be in accordance with the re-paint colors that essentially gypsum partitions to be beautiful again.

Installation gypsum

Installation of gypsum is a complementary addition to home decor as partitions, gypsum can be used for the ceiling. Installation of gypsum / gypsum ceiling of the room to maximize the impression we want, but the installation of gypsum should have the right way and the right or use experts that the installation of gypsum produces the impression of a neat and beautiful as we had hoped. Mechanical Installation of gypsum there are a number of ways based on the type of order sustaining gypsumnya ceiling, gypsum ceiling using timber frame must be planed so flat and installation of gypsum ceiling is so neat. While the installation of gypsum ceiling with a hollow frame much faster because it usually has more surface precision. And of course the installation of gypsum ceiling with a hollow frame resistant to termites than the installation of gypsum ceiling with wood frame. Installation of ceiling gypsum partitions more favorable in comparison with the use of wood triplex, triplex use very easily torn and damaged so as to repair is change. While the installation of gypsum ceiling partitions quite durable and invisible joints, lack of installation of gypsum partitions vulnerable to water seepage and should be avoided, but for this treatment is quite straightforward ceiling gypsum partition solutio

Variation design interior gypsum ceiling increase

Gypsum ceiling is the roof of the house that serves to reduce the impact of heat, but it plays a role in covering the rough part of the roof of the house. Along with the development and progress of the real estate in particular the development of architecture, design gypsum ceiling has also undergone various changes or rather not only as upholstery, roof frame house but gypsum ceiling has become part of home interior design. To harmonize with the design of the ceiling of the designers / architects are no longer stuck with materials such as wood or plywood, but can vary, one using gypsum. The use of gypsum ceiling materials have extended variant / roof structure, it is not just the use of gypsum ceiling also has particularly several advantages, among others, the roof can be minimized using gypsum ceiling / absorb heat so the room will feel much cooler, gypsum ceiling design fits easily in the interior set, which is expected and for gypsum ceiling treatment is quite easy.
With the presence of gypsum ceiling as part of the roof of the house then add alternative choice of interior and to reinforce the ceiling display, on the outskirts of gypsum ceiling gypsum be added to the list so as to make the boundary between the wall / ceiling wall with a meeting and this will make the gypsum ceiling becomes more elegant. There is now a very wide variety of designs and models of ceiling gypsum ceiling that many classic models in use in the housing until the gypsum ceiling minimalist models like the office. The use of gypsum ceiling can also give the impression of your home and to give the right impression / luxurious impression on the guests who visit your home then let you choose / use tenga gypsum proper installation experts. So please choose the gypsum ceiling installation services terekomendasi

how to fix gypsum plapon

plapon often called gypsum ceiling, no escape from the problems of dust, spots due to leaks, or holes. Dust can still be solved by cleaning regularly. But when it berflek let alone a hole, then the ceiling gypsum should be patched or replaced. Call handyman? Not yet! Gypsum ceiling patching is actually a pretty easy job. You only need simple tools and materials. For more details, please follow the steps below.
1. Tools and materials required:
 - Cutter, Compound (fillers) adhesives, compound coatings, saws, masking tape, putty knife, mats, gypsum board, meter

 2. Take the rest of gypsum and gypsum measure so that it can close the holes. Huge chunks of gypsum should be larger than the hole
 3. Drawing with pencil on the size of the gypsum ceiling cavities. This is necessary to do so holes can be covered with neatly. Then use the cutter, make a notch on the ceiling.

 4. Make a hole in the ceiling of gypsum plasterboard size would you plug it in, by sawing a hole diagonally toward the boundary of the size of the gypsum earlier.

 5. After you saw the four-way diagonal, break the ceiling around the hole so it forms a rectangular hole. Cut with cutter ceiling remains until it is completely removed. Do not forget to tidy up the sides of the hole so that pieces of gypsum cement shall be installed neatly.

 6. Prepare other gypsum board with the size of all the holes and 1/3 the width of the hole, as many as two. Gypsum is used as an additional order for gypsum cement. Apply adhesive compound on this additional order.

 7. Immediately attach an additional order compound smeared glue on the top of the gypsum ceiling. Attach the second frame on both sides of the barrier before long hole. Wait until the compound is completely dry. It is characterized by the frame buffer can no longer move when pressed.

 8. After an additional frame is attached firmly, take pieces of gypsum cement and paint was also with adhesive compound (compound should be applied not only in the middle of gypsum, but also on the surrounding gypsum that can be attached to the ceiling with strong gypsum).

 9. Dilute compound coatings with water and apply on all four sides of the connection between the ceiling gypsum cement. Apply using a spatula so that the compound can menempelpada gypsum ceiling flat. For this stage of the compound coating layer applied enough alone.

 10. Immediately after completion of compound coatings applied, attach a special masking tape on all four sides of the connection earlier. So that the tape sticks very well, hit with a putty knife. Then apply two coats of compound coatings as much. Allow to dry, then after that you can paint your ceiling gypsum back.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


PVC Ceiling "Shunda" is a kind of ceiling is made of PVC material is very light and has many advantages such as waterproof, anti termite and does not propagate flame (flame retardant) and is also a response to the lack of other ceiling materials available today. With a flexible material, lightweight and application systems KNOCK DOWN make PVC products "Shunda" can easily be assembled and designed according to desire that makes the room more of clean, modern, stylish, beautiful and luxurious. Ceiling in a layout is a very important element. If a room described as a face of the ceiling is the hair. Therefore, appropriate material selection and the ceiling is very important criteria. Things to consider and made reference to the selection of quality products and modern ceiling now in the latest product named Shunda ceiling PVC CEILING, modern ceiling elements that meet the following criteria:


Modern ceiling should be light weighted. So easy to install, requires no particular skill, it can be done by anyone thus saving labor and in terms of security even reliable. Certainly more lightweight materials to minimize the risk of dangerous injuries.


 If roofs often leak will cause the ceiling to be rotten and moldy. It is of course very disturbing beauty and comfort, modern palfon therefore must meet other important criteria are waterproof. If your leaking roof or tile, then rembesannya not damage your ceiling and physical appearance.


 application Modern society is now really appreciate the time and money. Therefore the selection of the easy applicability ceiling becomes an absolute requirement that must be fulfilled. PVC Ceiling Shunda will challenge those needs by launching products that have been proven very fast and easy to apply. Helping you achieve a modern lifestyle store which all have fast-paced, precise and compact.


 In certain areas, termite infestation can be an inevitable scourge. So if sebuat ceiling products have resistance to termite attack is certainly worthy of your consideration selection. ü does not propagate API (flame retardant) PVC materials have been tested as a material that will not fire if the fire merambatkan. With the use of flame retardant materials that made the fire disaster losses can be minimized.


 Shunda PVC ceiling is made of non-finishing building materials so that you do not have to do the painting as is commonly done when using gypsum ceiling. Of course it will save money, time and effort. Shunda PVC ceilings are available in glossy and matte shades are stylish.


 PVC Ceiling Shunda very easy to clean. The treatment is easy to make you will not lose a lot of time and effort. The beauty of your home and the space was not compromised.


 Shunda makes maintenance-free PVC ceiling meets modern concept of building materials as well as very practical and economical to use for the long term.


 Model and design of PVC Ceiling Shunda so stylish and elegant. Very suitable for those of you who are following the trend of the development of modern architecture. Shunda PVC ceiling can also be molded into a model of innovative ceiling as curved, round and even can set up waves (wave). Various advantages of high-quality materials and modern ceiling of PVC Ceiling Shunda is eligible today's lifestyle. Smart choice for any of you who understand that accuracy in selecting quality materials determines the prestige, comfort, safety, and well as the value of your residential investment.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

within the framework of gypsum plapon

the installation of plapon gypsun, a distance of gypsum mounting frame is to note because it influences the surface after the tide plapon gypsum. Generally within the framework currently used by 600 mm, without considering the thick gypsum board, this increases the possibility of corrugated gypsum board. within the framework of the example that is often used

is mostly present in the installation order plapon gypsum, using a range order as shown above, but it would be nice if you are using a distance of order 480 mm, will produce a couple more flat plapon for construction within the framework of the couple closer together.
range order for each thickness of the gypsum;

plapon thick gypsum                 the installation                    the maximum distance of order
       (mm)                                      (mm)                                          (mm)
1.9.0                                       perpendicular                                 400
2.12.0                                     perpendicular                                  600

Friday, July 13, 2012

The assembly of gypsum partition

  For this time I will discuss the installation of Gypsum Partition.
  Partition is the division of a room into sections, for example, we want to divide a large room into 2 living      rooms and space for our work

.There are several kinds of partitions;
A. Gypsum partition
2. Wood partition
3. stone wall
4. sketsel
5. Folding Door

Material in use:
A. 4x4 & 4x2 frame Hollow
2. 2cm gypsum couplers & 5 cm
3. gypsum 9 mm or 12 mm
4. fabric tip
5. Coumpond
6. Concrete nails 5 cm
7. reducer

Equipment is needed:
A. Drill & driver / Phillips head screwdriver (+) (in order to quickly use a drill driver who ends +)
2. Hacksaw / zinc scissors (for cutting hollow steel)
3. Scraf (to apply coumpond)
4. Steger
5. yarn lot
6. sandpaper

How it works

1 Connect the 60cm long hollow frame as you wish not to forget the lot (so as not to skew)
     like the picture below
2 Attach the gypsum with gysum 2mm screw next to it in every frame of hollow
    like the picture below

  3 Attach the silencer Glasswoll / rockwoll
4 Attach gypsum again next
5 Coumpond each connection and used couplers
5 outboard tip at each connection gypsum fabric which has been in coumpond for each gypsum
glue into one
5 coumpond back over the tip of cloth until smooth, if not the fine sandpaper
6. Partition is ready for the finishing

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Plapon GRC board

GRC (Glass Reinforced Sement) or so-called cement board, grcboard and other materials is an alternative solution other ceiling partitions

. GRC Product Excellence;

- Strong and impact resistant
Water resistant and moisture-
- Hold the fire
- Hold the mold and termites
- Soundproofed
- Flat surface, without having to diplamir
- Fast and practical in the works
- No cause excessive dirt in the works
GRC plapon thickness; 6mm, 8mm and 10mm
Can be applied in;
- Installation of Ceiling Interior & Overstek (5mm thick)
- Installation of partition (thickness 6mm, 8mm & 10mm)
- Installation of Backing Spandrell (8mm & 10mm thick)
- Installation of roof Alas (8mm & 10mm thick)
- Installation of Interior Column Cover (8mm & 10mm thick)

otherwise it can be combined with aluminum frame, PVC other decorative tau, can also be used for system connection open nat.

Overcoming the rift in the way of connection GRC plapon

GRC is a type of gypsum board that is often used?? View of quality material that is harsh and waterproof, not a few people are more interested in using material from the jayaboard GRC, Knauf or other types of gypsum board? I myself was agreed that if the GRC quality is better than other types of gypsum board? but unfortunately not good GRC lis gypsum and glue between the boards, but it always cracks on each connection after installation. To the solution is to use coumpound A + B:
coumpound A + B is:
Flour mixed with gypsum in rakol (wood glue).

GRC compound A + B as a base layer made ​​to connect the GRC board. made of strong materials and compounds with the GRC board so as to avoid the possibility of cracks in the joint.


How to use:

     GRC compound A and B mixed with 1:1 ratio and stirred evenly. uneven mixing will inhibit the drying process and does not produce an optimal adhesion.
     The resulting mixture should be used within 30 minutes. Avoid the use of the mixture after the mixture begins to harden, approximately 50 minutes
     GRC layer of compound A and B should be allowed to dry for minimum 24 hours before coating with the next layer.

  Installation order plaponya should also consider the minimum distance at 480 mm by 600 mm spacing hangers.

plapon differences classical and minimalist plapon

plapon classic
Employment ceiling of the classical model which prioritizes the artistic side of high artistic merit that are tailored to the shape of the building, usually a building with a classical facade, the interior also follows the classical model. Ceiling models feature classic flat design (flat) and trap (drop) to highlight the carvings on the list profile by adding ornaments, ornament, not least the use of models in the design dome. For the dome design, adapted to the low height of the room. Dome design is usually applied to the area for the building of two floors voide atai more. For the finishing is usually the ceiling using the classical model of special effect paints to further highlight the classical side. And only certain individual who has taste and artistic ceiling that uses the classical model in place of residence
plapon classic example of an image:

 plapon minimalist
To the ceiling ceiling minimalism is a model familiar to many applied to building a modern minimalist style. Usually implemented by the developer (developer) of housing in accordance with architectural standards they use. Hotel building, mall or shop also apply to the ceiling minimalist interior design. Ceiling minimalist design uses only flat (flat) with a slight increase in trap (drop) without using the profile list, but only using shadow line (string water) to sweeten the edge of the ceiling between the walls with paint finishing plain ordinary. There is also a job that combines a semi-classical minimalist ceiling. All depends on the tastes of each individual.
plapon minimalist example image:

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Plapon asbestos

AsWhat exactly is asbestos?

bestos is a type of silica and mineral fibers belonging to the serpentine (krisotil which is a magnesium silicate hydroxide with composition Mg6 (OH) 6 (Si4O11) H2O), and amphibole from the rock-forming minerals, including: actinolite, amosite (brown asbestos, cummingtonite , grunnerite), anthophyllite, chrysotile (white asbestos), crocidolite (blue asbestos), tremolite, or a mixture containing at least one of these minerals.

Plapon dangers of asbestos
 About the dangers of asbestos are health experts (ITENAS) Environmental Engineering National Institute of Technology, July Soemirat said that asbestos was a building material that is flexible and heat resistant, does not evaporate, acid resistant and not easily destroyed dialam, this material is often used for automobiles, stoves, roofs, ceilings, linings, and electrical wiring, so that if you enter the human body or the lungs can settle and attach to the lungs and lung damage because of the nature of asbestos that can not be destroyed by the body will continue to settle in the lungs lung.

 What mesothelioma is asbestos?
 Mesothelioma is a cancer arising from exposure to asbestos or asbestos dust exposed to inhaled, which can injure the respiratory and cause deadly cancers, asbestos material we often see, or even use as the roof of our house without us knowing it to be one cause of mesothelioma cancer This, so-roofed building that asbestos materials likely to lead to the occurrence of cancer. A person who is affected by exposure to asbestos was from the first hit and started to hurt a person's breathing can not be directly detected as a cancer caused by asbestos dust, usually the symptoms of this disease will occur after several years or 30 years later.

 If you you use materials such as asbestos roofs for example, you can minimize by using a ceiling, if you are working in direct contact with asbestos environments such as factories, etc. can be anticipated by using a mask, etc. so that dust or particles from asbestos material is not directly inhaled.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

order acoustic

order acoustic circuit
This type of ceiling system is often encountered in the modern office, lobby space, bank, restaurant, meeting rooms, theaters, music studios, discotheques and other rooms. With acoustic ceiling room will look neat orderly, more beautiful, gorgeous and looks luxurious. Basically an acoustic ceiling is a ceiling that looks skeletal system (esposed grid) suspended (suspended) with acoustic ceiling panels 9m or 12mm. Acoustic ceiling itself is a type of ceiling panels with a combination of finishing paint and perforation .. Compared with other types of ceiling systems, acoustical ceiling has several advantages, namely: * Installation of acoustical ceiling can adjust the type and size of the room. * Acoustic ceiling can help the absorption of sound to the maximum so as to muffle the sound around the room. * Acoustic ceiling has a maximum slack. Definition of slack here is the rate of decline in gypsum board ceiling of flat level caused by the load power stretch material to size. * How to acoustical ceiling treatment is relatively easy.

how to cut gypsum board

in this article I will explain how to cut gypsum board.

1. Cut as required by the cutting tool / cutter
2. Board that has been cut bent back, this is done to break the gypsum board that has been cut off by the cutting tool / cutter
3. Then cut the back (the other side of paper) with the cutting tool / cutter
very easy to do, hopefully the information I gave above can help there all.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Gypsum matrial

With the increasingly high price of wood lately, more and raise the prestige of gypsum because it can be considered as a substitute for specific parts of the home or office. Gypsum is used ranging from simple houses to luxury homes. In addition, gypsum materials could make homes more beautiful ceiling. The price was relatively competitive when compared with other types of materials with the same function. The advantages of gypsum is also more flexible to be formed in accordance with the wishes of the designer,. Another reason people choose gypsum, because if exposed spots, then just the affected part of that need to be cut and can be patched again. Unlike the base material made ​​of plywood, which has a weakness in the event of a leak it will arise brown spots on the ceiling, sometimes also ballooned during the replacement and it will have to replace the piece of plywood, not only on the affected spots only. On the other side of the gypsum board can be mounted on a wood frame, metal or brick construction. The use of the product is safe, does not damage the environment and harmless, economical, suitable for sharing settlement size, light weight, easy installation with the end result of a flat, fireproof, soundproof and availability of various system options. As the material to decorate the ceiling, gypsum is claimed superior to other materials. Apart from the obvious appearance more beautiful and clean, the ceiling gypsum will not be visible line between the bulkhead though in a broad field.